Friday, November 17, 2006

Re-post: We made a 'S'! - Sept 06

From Thursday, September 28, 2006

We've started on our letters by cutting a *s*ilky negligee my stepmother gave me (yes she is totally mad) into double S shapes - and the first one is finished! All stuffed with Kapok and sewn up. It's turned out really well and we enjoyed making it. Lyddie said it's *s*mooth as well as being *s*ilky and has referred to it throughout as our 's' shape.

I said, "We'll make loads of other letters. Do you know there are 26 altogether? That's loads, isn't it? Then we'll put them together to make words and you'll be able to read them."

And she said, heartbreakingly: "Oh no, I'm not clever enough for that yet."


"You will be," I said. "It's really easy when you get the hang of it."

"This S is a bit Bumpy," she said.

Hmmmm. I'm still not 100% convinced this is such a great plan. ;-)

But I'm really enjoying making the letters. Kapok is gorgeous soft fluffy stuff, really nice to work with. So we're going to carry on for now.

posted by Gill at 8:24 PM 4 comments


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